The internet is awash with mind-blowing, awe-inspiring success stories. Each has one thing in common – discipline and determination to overcome obstacles and reach the pinnacle. In our pursuit of success, we always try to emulate highly successful people. Whether it’s their morning routine or bedtime habits, we’re curious to figure out their secret algorithm to success. The modern world defines it through the lens of achievement. But instead of chasing the world’s definition, have you ever paused to reflect on your personal definition of success? What does success mean to you?


Define what it means to you


Is it a promotion, owning a house, being able to afford an elite college/school for your children, a perfect relationship, a fat bank balance, or all of those? The truth is that no two people have the same definition. And happiness is the accepted by-product of success. But if that is the case, why are so many wealthy and successful people still unhappy? I’ve been in that race, and I can tell you, that’s not a race you can win! How, then, can we get off the hamster wheel and yet succeed?

Time to burst your bubble. It is not success that guarantees happiness but rather happiness that drives success, and there’s scientific evidence to prove that. Yet we relegate the pursuit of happiness to the backburner and relentlessly chase success—time to change that.


Let’s redefine Success


By definition, it is “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” Sadly, we’ve skewed that definition and made it all about accumulating wealth and power and less about fulfillment and satisfaction. Some may have all the wealth but lack healthy relationships and feel like failures. Others can have the most amazing family but struggle with careers. What then defines success? If you’re someone who wants to be successful, it’s time to turn inward and redefine it.

What are the parameters that predict success? What is it that separates the successful from the average? Do you need a plan to be successful?

Success is unique for every individual simply because it is tailored and tied to an individual’s purpose. Instead of letting external forces and opinions decide your path, align yourself to your life’s purpose, and you will set yourself up for success.


“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” — Maya Angelou.



TL;DR: Answer these questions and design your path to a successful life


Success Means…

  • Doing something you love, but that which also provides value to others. Whether you’re just starting or aiming for that next level, entrepreneur or professional, be resourceful and bring your best energy and focus to the table. Meaningful work fulfills both personal and professional goals.
  • Staying true to your core values and beliefs, ensuring your actions don’t contradict your beliefs.
  • Being loving, caring, respectful, and committed in relationships that matter.
  • Conquering fears and taking risks.
  • Being conscientious and goal-oriented, passionate, and enthusiastic about your work.
  • Getting out of your comfort zone, learning new things, and becoming an expert in your field through practice, accelerating your personal growth.
  • Living in the here and now, not dwelling in the past or anxious about the future.
  • Staying disciplined and consistent and conducting your life with integrity.

In short, success means being the best version of yourself every day of your life.


The Bottom Line


It’s never too late to make a start. If you haven’t defined it yet, it’s time to do so and map out your journey, for success, like happiness, is a journey, not a goal. Define what it means to you, design your unique action plan, be laser-focused on achieving your goals, and rewrite your success story. Because success is not accidental but the compounded effect of day-to-day habits. It is being consistent in your efforts and not giving up. Believe that you are destined to lead a successful life and you can make it happen. In the end, it all comes down to habits; the little things you do every day are what define how successful and happy you can be. Happiness Habits does just that. It guides professionals like you in making tiny changes each day that help you live a meaningful, happy, healthy, and successful life.



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