Make all the resolutions you want, but like they say, “old habits die hard.” They have a way of showing their ugly heads up and asserting their influence on us. You are left wondering how some people effortlessly do all things right while you struggle to change. Like work-life balance and happiness aren’t elusive enough, from where do we garner the determination and willpower to change what doesn’t serve us and replace them with habits that serve? I hear you. Can we ever get out of this unhappiness spiral? The good news is Yes! There is a scientifically-proven effective way to help you out of the rut. Yes, we can indeed Rewire and Reprogram ourselves through Pattern Interrupt.


Related read: If you think you’re too busy to be happy, try habit stacking.


Our brain is no less than a well-programmed computer that works on the “if this then that” principle. If it is morning, then you have to brush your teeth, as simple as that. So Habits are really solutions hardwired into the brain through repetition. The neural pathways are established through repetition. You don’t have to command your brain to brush in the morning. It’s automatic. And while you’re at it, the brain freely wanders to other things seemingly more important.


But if habits are that ingrained and deep-rooted, how can we deflect or sever bad habits and embrace the new? You have to establish new neural pathways to bridge the gap between what you do and what you want.


Can Pattern Interrupt Improve Your Life?


Pattern Interrupt


No one likes getting interrupted because it throws them off track. Interruptions aren’t welcome whether you are spending time with family or doing office work and need a distraction-free zone. But what if the interruption is of the good kind, throwing your bad habits off track, not you, and releasing space for new and better habits? More than welcome, right?

But for pattern interrupts to work, you need to observe your habits and understand what triggers them and when they happen, to form necessary triggers that interrupt the habit loop.

Pattern interrupt is a simple Neuro-Linguistic Programming tool capable of powerful results. It helps shake up and break useless habitual patterns and behaviors to make way for new effective ones.



When you first start making changes, it is essential to make them gradual, one change at a time. If there are too many changes at one time, it can cause your brain to go into panic mode and give up. It also helps to have a reward for the effort you put in and for the desired outcomes.


Here’s how you can rewire and reprogram your mind with Pattern Interrupt:


Practical tips and steps:

You need to understand your trigger and your unhealthy behavior patterns.

Dial into why you want to change that – strengthen that WHY – create a clear and positive mental picture of how the change will benefit you.

Plan a strategy of an alternative behavior around what you will do when the trigger kicks in.

For instance: After dinner, I tend to crave chocolate. The trigger is when I finish dinner and leave my plate in the kitchen and walk out – I automatically open the fridge and reach out for the chocolate.

Recognize this pattern and say STOP. Before the craving becomes too strong, divert your mind into doing something else; for example, instead of the chocolate, I now reach out for water and take myself out of the area where the chocolates are kept.

I drink water and immediately proceed to the next activity. As I drink water, I affirm to myself that I am becoming fitter.

In the initial days of the change, to aid my resolve, I even remove all chocolates from the fridge and the house. As I keep practicing, the new behavior starts stronger, and the urge to eat chocolate reduces.


Another example:

You have some distraction-free time in the morning but feel lazy to exercise. Recognize the pattern and interrupt it. Splash cold water on your face or listen to an upbeat song that makes you want to move.

As you drag yourself to your exercise mat, affirm that you are fit, flexible, and healthy. Keep that mat where you can see it, not hidden somewhere. Be consistent and see the new habit become a part of your daily routine.


And just like that…

You can disrupt your negative behaviors/habits and change the trajectory of your life.

Many people have used tools like neurolinguistic programming and pattern interrupts to help them reprogram their minds for success. Together, these two techniques can help you accomplish just about anything, whether you want to learn a new language or quit smoking cold turkey!

But remember, easy doesn’t mean quick results, and consistency is of paramount importance. Keep at it, day after day, and see the transformation.


Armed with Pattern Interrupts, you can now challenge your dominating old habits and take them down without breaking a sweat. Go ahead and make those resolutions, for you now have the power of Pattern Interrupt to make things happen. If you’re looking for more bites of wisdom that can transform your life, purchase your Happiness Bundle here and get access to valuable resources.


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