Hello there, leaders of change! You’ve got it in you to inspire, to lead, to create a ripple effect that can transform an entire organization. However, let’s take a moment to reflect. Are we just ticking off boxes, or are we leaving an impact that’s profound, lasting, and human? I’m here today to discuss the concept of ‘Human-First Leadership’. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.
Virtue Compass: Becoming a Better Human at Work
First things first, let’s talk about ‘Living with Virtues’. Virtues like courage, curiosity, gratitude, wisdom, and self-mastery are the true north on our compass, the guiding lights that humanize our leadership.
Ask yourself, “What virtues do I want to embody as a leader?”
Too often, leaders speak about people-centricity, drive, and motivation, but lack a concrete framework to reflect these attributes. We need a clear virtue compass that not only dictates our actions but reflects in our leadership style.
We live in a world where leaders are often mistaken for elevated managers. Remember, managing is about goals, clarity, and reviews. But leadership? It’s far beyond that. It’s about inspiration, motivation, and being a role model. So, if you’re merely getting work done, are you really leading?
A human-first leader has a virtue compass and uses it to inspire, motivate, and bring out the best in people. This is a lot more than just managing; it’s leadership that touches lives.
Unconscious Bias: Identifying & Overcoming
Once we’ve identified the virtues we want to embody, we encounter an obstacle: unconscious bias. It’s a blind spot, an inadvertent barrier that often hinders our growth as leaders. It leads to a disconnect between how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.
Let me assure you, even the best of us have been there, having an elevated perception of ourselves, unknowingly demonstrating behaviors that may demotivate our team. Being aware of these unconscious biases and taking steps to mitigate them is crucial in becoming a human-first leader.
Authenticity & Genuine Care: The Building Blocks
Authenticity in leadership comes from being genuine, from facing our vulnerabilities head-on, and not shying away from them. Too often, leaders feel pressured to live up to a reputation, steering clear of risks, and overburdening their teams just to maintain a façade of infallibility. But true authenticity comes from taking risks, admitting failures, and learning from them.
‘If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.’
– Chinese Proverb
Genuine care, the sibling of authenticity, is about investing in your people. Remember, as leaders, your job is not just to manage, but to grow people. Sometimes, leaders invest in their team only as long as it benefits them. This is where the concept of servant leadership comes in. True servant leaders invest in their teams with the intent to grow them, even if it means letting go of them for their betterment.
Embarking on the Journey
Becoming a human-first leader is a journey that begins with living with virtues, overcoming unconscious biases, and embracing authenticity and genuine care. It is about realizing that leadership goes beyond just managing – it is about touching lives, inspiring, and transforming teams.
I assure you, dear reader, that the path to human-first leadership may be challenging, but it is worth every effort. So, let’s pause, reflect, and realign our leadership compass. And in our next conversation, we will explore the ‘How’ of becoming a human-first leader. Remember, every journey starts with the first step. Let’s take that step together.
And until we meet again, let’s keep inspiring, let’s keep growing, and let’s continue to lead with humanity first!