Organizations today are grappling with diverse challenges. On one hand, they must navigate the relentless pace of technological advancements. On the other hand is a pressing need to redefine employee value proposition. And amidst this complex web of demands, the pursuit of human-centricity has become a rallying cry, with forward-thinking companies recognizing the immense value of prioritizing the needs, wants, and perspectives of their most valuable asset – their people. Enter the Human-Centricity Audit, a powerful, practical tool designed to assess an organization’s commitment to its employees. It’s a single tool that improves employee productivity, improves retention, and increases engagement and happiness in the workforce – the 3 most important things companies are looking for! But wait, what is a human-centric audit? How do you conduct one? Let’s find out.


Cracking the Code of a Human-Centric Audit


A Human-Centric Audit helps organizations evaluate the degree to which they prioritize the “human” element. The audit is holistic encompassing both softer and harder aspects. And goes beyond the dull spreadsheets and reports, delving deep into the heart and soul of your organization.

We’re talking about culture, values, processes, policies, benefits, and everything that makes your company tick. From dated processes that prioritize efficiency over empathy to rigid policies that lack flexibility, the audit unmasks gaps revealing opportunities for improvement. This ensures a workplace where employees not only function but flourish.


Employee Experience, Reimagined


A Human-Centric Audit addresses both operational and behavioral aspects of an organization to enhance the employee experience.


Human-Centric Operations – Process fixes


For instance, consider the recruitment process. Traditional metrics focus on time, hires, and rejection rates. But a human-centric approach – much like the ‘Human Centricity Quest’ in my coaching framework – emphasizes human experiences. It focuses on:

  • How did we make the new joinee feel?
  • How do rejected candidates feel?
  • Can they be transformed into brand ambassadors?


From recruitment to onboarding to offboarding, every touchpoint is an opportunity to strengthen the human-first element. Creating remarkable candidate experiences can improve conversions, decrease the cost of acquisition, and increase referrals improving brand image!


By paying attention to human-centric details, from the tone of HR interactions to the attitude of interviewers, organizations can create a positive brand image and employee experience.


Organizations are striving for a better employee experience, but what’s missing is The Human element. The Human-Centric Audit pulls out the opportunity in every process and tells you – here’s what you’ve been doing, and here’s how you can improve things to make it human-centric.


Happiness@Work Framework


Human-Centric Culture- Behavior fixes


Forget the cold and impersonal corporate jargon for a moment. At the heart of the Human-Centric Audit lies the fact that – to truly embrace human-centricity, organizations must embody a range of human-first behaviors. We’re talking about cultivating behaviors like gratitude, kindness, appreciation, hope, and curiosity.


For instance, the Human-Centric Audit recognizes the significance of the employee experience from the lens of their interactions with managers. It’s here that culture and behavior play a vital role.


Picture an employee applying for leave to celebrate their wedding, eagerly awaiting their manager’s response. Will it be a joyful “Congratulations! Take all the time you need!” or a dreary “Sorry, only ten days allowed”?


This is where Responsible Freedom, Autonomy, and Flexibility at Work from The Virtue Compass come into play, ensuring human-centric decisions are made.


Small gestures can leave an indelible mark on employee loyalty. Conversations, rather than impersonal surveys, unveil the true essence of these experiences. It’s time to recognize the power of personal interactions and the significance of going beyond the status quo, to differentiate your organization!


The Human-Centric Audit is not merely a process of identifying gaps but a catalyst for change.



Paving the Path to a Human-First Workplace – the Role of Leadership


Leaders play a pivotal role in establishing a human-first ethos. Their actions, which should reflect human-centric principles, set the tone for the entire organization.


Human-centricity requires both operational and behavioral shifts. Using the Human-Centric Audit as a compass, companies can forge a path to holistic employee well-being.


However, achieving this transformation isn’t easy. Challenges like resistance to change, lack of leadership buy-in, and proper training can impede progress.


But for organizations serious about this journey, we have Pursuit of Excellence – A Happiness@Work Solution. A program developed to unlock aliveness by transforming teams, leaders, and the overall workplace culture. The solution encompasses training, coaching, and transformational handholding with clear success metrics. With offerings like-

  • Becoming Limitless Series for Leaders
  • Thrive Programs for culture enhancement, and
  • The Human Centric Life Cycle for HR Teams to create wow human experiences,


Organizations can holistically address areas of improvement and ensure a lasting positive impact.


As a Happiness@Work expert, I’ve consulted many progressive organizations and provided tailored frameworks that have led to increased productivity, reduced attrition, and improved overall engagement and workplace culture. If you’d like to explore how these solutions can benefit your organization, feel free to reach out for a consultation.


Together, let’s pave the path to genuine happiness, productivity, and retention at work.


Connect with me on LinkedIn.


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