We know that the successful business leaders and entrepreneurs we look up to for inspiration rise early and conquer the day. And I’ve even written about the 7 Morning Habits of Super Successful People. But do you think bedtime habits are as important? Do the ultra-successful work 16-hour days and glorify sleep deprivation? Or is adequate sleep a secret to their success? Let’s take the guesswork out. Read on for 7 Bedtime Habits of Super Successful People.


Effective bedtime habits prime your subconscious for a productive next day. In fact, good sleep and productivity go hand-in-hand. But sleep is not the only criterion. There are other pre-sleep rituals equally essential for that ultimate energized morning.



Seven unbelievably effective bedtime habits of super successful people.



They spend time with family

Once home, they disconnect from work. It’s not easy, but definitely doable. It’s extremely important to spend quality time with your partner and children. Family time lays the foundation for positive relationship dynamics, whether it’s cooking up a meal, bonding over dinner, or catching up on the day with after-dinner strolls.


There is scientific evidence to prove that family relationships influence the well-being of individuals, enhancing self-esteem and encouraging open communication.



They skip the nightcap and fatty foods

They say no to smoking, drinking, and rich foods at night. Alcohol does not allow you to move past the easily distractible light stage of sleep. Fatty foods and heavy meals lead to acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion, making it difficult to fall asleep. And the nicotine in cigarettes is known to disrupt sleep as well.



They power down their devices

The infallible way to supercharge and power up your mornings is to power down your devices at least an hour before bedtime. Mobile, kindle, laptop, TV, get off all devices. Unplug and disconnect even if you haven’t ticked off your to-do list for the day.


There’s research to prove that the blue light from electronic devices and LED bulbs blocks the sleep hormone melatonin.



TL;DR: Grab it all in under a minute (shutdown challenge video)



They read

Successful people believe the best investment in life is cultivating a reading habit. They find time to read despite busy schedules. Inspiring biographies/autobiographies or self-development, there’s a lot to choose from. 20-30 minutes of reading can boost brain power and lower stress. Just ensure it’s a paperback or hardcover, not on an electronic device.


“Reading is still the main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.” – Bill Gates.



They Meditate

Maybe not as long and in-depth as a morning meditation, but a quick 10-minute meditation is the perfect relaxation technique, promoting sleep. They finish off with a daily gratitude prayer or gratitude journal.


This NCBI study found that meditation improves sleep quality when practised regularly.



They reflect on today and visualize their tomorrow

It’s easy to replay the things that didn’t go well and get stressed about them. But successful people avoid the negative spiral, focusing on the positive. They reflect on what went well, making a note of their little wins. They visualize achieving their immediate and long-term goals, activating the power of the subconscious mind.



For that goodnight’s sleep, they keep it dark, quiet, and cool

They prioritize sleep because a good night’s sleep is all one needs to clear brain fog and think better. Setting up the ambience with little to no light, noise-free, clean bedding, and a cool temperature will ensure you sleep like a baby.



The takeaway


If morning routines set the tone for the rest of the day, bedtime habits are critical for successful morning routines. They are interdependent, and the takeaway is that it all boils down to “habits.”


Harnessing the power of good habits is guaranteed to pave the way for success.  If you own a copy of Happiness Habits, head over to the sleep habits checklist to evaluate your night routine. Maybe it’s time to tweak some habits or incorporate new ones.


Habit stacking can help you build and establish new habits. And once you stack positive habits, it becomes a routine, something you don’t have to put your mind to but do subconsciously every day. Routines allow you to manage your days better and be more productive, which, in turn, sets you up for success.


“Successful people are simply those with success habits.” – Brian Tracy.


If you want a daily dose of Happiness delivered to your Insta Feed, follow me on Instagram, where I share little nuggets that can make happiness a habit.




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